The planning, organization and production of the Sequim Irrigation Festival is a year long process. From the dedicated event directors and their respective teams of volunteers, to the individuals, businesses, and community service organizations; all of which support the festival through giving their time and talent as well as their generous support through the sponsorship of various events and projects. It is through the passionate commitment and pioneering spirit of countless volunteers, donors, and sponsors in our community that we have been able to bring to you the festival for 130 years in a row! Thereby making the Sequim Irrigation Festival Washington state’s longest, oldest, continuous running festival. Celebrating 130 years, Where Water is Wealth!
Meet the Director of the 2025 Sequim Irrigation Festival, Michelle Rhodes.

You can learn more about Michelle here.
You can learn more about what it takes to put the festival on within the pages in this section. The people, organizations and businesses that make it happen are noted in more detail within the Festival Committee, Sponsors and Volunteer links.
During the 2017 festival a Peninsula College student video was made as part of a class project. The video was filmed by Donna Geer, Terry Binando, Jack Cote, and Lois Spicer. It was edited and produced by Donna Geer, and the faculty was Renne Emiko Brock. This video shows many of the events that take place during the Irrigation Festival. Here is the link:
Festival Committee
A group of dedicated volunteers make up the Festival Committee. Michelle is our new Festival Director for the 2025 festival, but she has been with the festival for a number of years. It takes quite a few people to help her plan and organize the festival and all its supporting functions.
Individuals and businesses within the Sequim contribute money, goods and services to help put on the festival. We cannot put on the level of festival that we do without this help.
Hundreds of volunteers are necessary to make the festival happen. As the festival approaches many of the events have volunteer needs. This page discusses the role of the volunteer within the festival.
Button Design Contest
The Button Design Contest is held every year with elementary age children in the Sequim School District.
Logo Design
The planning for the next year’s festival begins almost as soon as the festival for the year ends. The first activity to happen is the logo design, which calls for the design of the next year’s logo design as well as the button design. The 2025 Logo was designed by Sherry Scharschmidt.