2023 Logo: 128 – Out the Gate

They begin their lives in some remote and obscure places.  Tiny, fragile, and unique.  But over their lifetime they find their way with deliberate purpose, the exact destination unknown, but on the course of greatness!  Until one day their moment has come, and they find themselves seemingly shoulder to shoulder and crowded in the headgate with others that have made a similar journey.  Their combined massive weight in numbers, straining at the obstruction that binds and holds them back from the destination and mission that has been theirs since the beginning. 

Unbridled energy that grows with each passing moment.  Energy that is literally measured in horsepower.  Building, growing, to a tumultuous crescendo, when at once the floodgates are opened, “and they are off”, marks the beginning of this storied annual tradition.  It is a great start as they come bursting from the gate and thundering down the raceway, they find their place in the chaos.  Each holding its pace and order in the natural flow of the moment.  They round the first corner, picking up speed and jockeying for position as the pack begins to thin in the back stretch, and the leaders start to assert themselves, running as fast as they can, yet not knowing what lies around the next bend. Then they are quicky into the next turn and churning up the course as they head into the home stretch.  Some will test their luck and attempt to make a move on the outside, while others will try to muscle through the pack to daylight.  It is a longshot either way. 

And here they come.  It is too close to call, as they run neck and neck…  They are running neck and neck… And its?  Its??

Truth be told, they are all winners.  They will all realize their destiny, as each one, each rain drop, each melted snowflake is diverted from the mighty Dungeness into the miles of winding irrigation canals and ditches that crisscross our valley and give water egress to connect with the fields that grow our food, water our cattle and livestock, give way to industry and commerce, and provide our homes with the life giving gift we depend on and have for 128 years running.  Sequim – Where Water is Wealth

And you thought we were talking about horse racing!



